
Barrie R. Bonsal

Barrie R. Bonsal
Research Scientist

BSc, MSc, PhD



BSc, MSc, PhD - University of Saskatchewan


  • Observed trends and variability in the Canadian Climate
  • Historical climate data
  • Canadian Prairie dry spells and droughts
  • Synoptic climatology
  • Climate change

Ongoing studies/research activities

  • Atmospheric circulation patterns associated with 2001 & 2002 drought over Canada
  • Ability of various general circulation models (GCMs) to simulate current climate
  • Past and future trends and variability in hydro-climatic processes
  • Development of future temperature and precipitation scenarios
  • Bonsal, B.R., T.D. Prowse, C.R. Duguay, and M.P. Lacroix. 2006. Impacts of large-scale teleconnections on freshwater-ice duration over Canada, Journal of Hydrology, 330, 340-353.
  • Bonsal, B.R. and T.D. Prowse. 2006. Regional assessment of GCM-simulated current climate over northern Canada , Arctic, 59, 115-128.
  • Bonsal, B.R. and E.E. Wheaton. 2005. Atmospheric circulation comparisons between the 2001 and 2002 and the 1961 and 1988 Canadian Prairie droughts Atmosphere-Ocean, 43, 163-172.
  • Bonsal, B.R., G. Koshida, E.G. O'Brien, and E. Wheaton. 2004. Chapter 3. Droughts. 19-25. In Threats to Water Availability in Canada, National Water Research Institute, Burlington, Ontario. NWRI Scientific Assessment Report Series No. 3 and ACSD Science Assessment Series No. 1. 128 p.
  • Bonsal, B.R., T.D. Prowse, and A. Pietroniro. 2003. An assessment of GCM-simulated climate for the western cordillera of Canada (1961-90), Hydrological Processes, 18, 3703-3716.
  • Bonsal, B.R. and T.D. Prowse. 2003. Trends and variability in spring and autumn 0°C isotherm dates over Canada, Climatic Change, 57, 341-358.
  • Bonsal, B.R., X. Zhang, L.A. Vincent, and W.D. Hogg. 2001. Characteristics of daily and extreme temperatures over Canada. Journal of Climate, 14, 1959-1976.
  • Bonsal, B.R., A. Shabbar, and K. Higuchi. 2001. Impacts of low frequency variability modes on Canadian winter temperature. International Journal of Climatology, 21, 95-108.
  • Bonsal, B.R., T.D. Prowse, C.R. Duguay, and M.P. Lacroix. 2006. Impacts of large-scale teleconnections on freshwater-ice duration over Canada, Journal of Hydrology, 330, 340-353.
  • Bonsal, B.R. and T.D. Prowse. 2006. Regional assessment of GCM-simulated current climate over northern Canada , Arctic, 59, 115-128.
  • Bonsal, B.R. and E.E. Wheaton. 2005. Atmospheric circulation comparisons between the 2001 and 2002 and the 1961 and 1988 Canadian Prairie droughts Atmosphere-Ocean, 43, 163-172.
  • Bonsal, B.R., G. Koshida, E.G. O'Brien, and E. Wheaton. 2004. Chapter 3. Droughts. 19-25. In Threats to Water Availability in Canada, National Water Research Institute, Burlington, Ontario. NWRI Scientific Assessment Report Series No. 3 and ACSD Science Assessment Series No. 1. 128 p.
  • Bonsal, B.R., T.D. Prowse, and A. Pietroniro. 2003. An assessment of GCM-simulated climate for the western cordillera of Canada (1961-90), Hydrological Processes, 18, 3703-3716.
  • Bonsal, B.R. and T.D. Prowse. 2003. Trends and variability in spring and autumn 0°C isotherm dates over Canada, Climatic Change, 57, 341-358.
  • Bonsal, B.R., X. Zhang, L.A. Vincent, and W.D. Hogg. 2001. Characteristics of daily and extreme temperatures over Canada. Journal of Climate, 14, 1959-1976.
  • Bonsal, B.R., A. Shabbar, and K. Higuchi. 2001. Impacts of low frequency variability modes on Canadian winter temperature. International Journal of Climatology, 21, 95-108.