

Rethinking Governance Handbook

An inventory of best practices and innovative approaches to increase transparency, participation and accountability in global institutions.

"Its overview of best practices that international organizations might consider in striving to improve their governance gives us much useful food for thought. We are continually seeking to improve our relations and dialogue both with our country authorities and increasingly with civil society and non-governmental organizations. We will draw upon your handbook for new ideas in this important endeavor. Your handbook contains several examples of innovative and practical initiatives by other institutions to which we will give careful consideration. Some of these, for instance, could better facilitate consultation with NGOs and their participation in our activities." Horst Kohler, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund.

This handbook has been generously supported by the

This Handbook has been divided into sections:

1. Intro & Table of Contents
2. Accountability
3. Participation
4. Transparency
5. Appendix

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Last Update: May 13, 2003