
by Lalita Hamill, 1998

This site is the electronic version of the journal for volumes I, II, IV, V and VI, which may also be ordered in a bound format. Volume III is in bound format only. If you would like a copy of Sophia send a cheque of $7 made out to the 'Philosophy Student Union' and mail it, with your request, to:
Philosophy Students' Union
Department of Philosophy

Enquiries intoSophia
Links to other Philosophy Student Journals

2005 -  Volume VIII


2004 - Volume VII

Sophia Volume VII

2003 - Volume VI

From Nothingness to Authenticity
Skepticism and the Empiricists
Phenomenality and the Reality of Mind in Descartes' Meditations
Gulliver and Us
On Simulating Dialectics of Thought
Breaking the Brillo Box: Taking a Closer Look at What Lies Behind Danto's Philosophy of Art
A Response to a Response: A Critque of Narveson's Proposal of How to Answer Terrorism
The Paradigm of Unitiy: Self, Substance, and Synthesis in Leibnizian Metaphysics
An Inquiry Into Phenomenalism

2002 - Volume V

Berkeley On The Doctrine Of Abstract Ideas
Philosophical Honesty
Resuscitating Ethics
Terrorization as Morally Problematic
Dialogue Over a Bath
The Moral Misfortune Of Affluence
Unused Footage From The Lives Of Eminent Philosophers
The Labour Of Love
What If Everybody Did That? Kant's Test Of The Universalized Maxim
The Questionable Morality of Colourising Movies

2001 - Volume IV

The Role Of God In Descartes Epistemic Theory
Leibniz contra Sturm: Occasionalism, Free Will, and The Nature of Nature
Leaves of Us
Accessing Genetic Information
Are Thinking Machines Possible?
Feeling Better Everyday
How to Do Philosophy Without Despair
Wildness and Wilderness
Is It Possible To Design A Machine With Mental Capacities?

2000 - Volume III

The Fate of Overdetermined Actions in Barbara Herman's Analysis of the Kantian Doctrine of Moral Worth by Laura Nicol
The Truth is Out There by Alex Henderson
Why the Cosmological Argument is Not a Valid
Proof of God by Julie Richter
Judgments of Intrinsic Value in Mill's Utilitarianism by D. Bifford
A Model of Love by Victoria Seaville
The Case for an Environmentalist Reformation: or, why Foss may be an Environmentalist after all. by Christopher Mitchell
Deism to Damnation: Forgiveness and Spirit in Blake's Ghost of Abel and "To the Deists" by David Hume

1999 - Volume II

The Poem
The Deep Current of Heraclitus in Aeschylus' Oresteia
A Questioning into the Epistemology of Value
Teaching Virtue with Elenchus and Aporia
A Sense of the Good
Locke's Delemma
Imagining Doubt
On the Possibility of Designing a Machine with Mental Capacities

1998 - Volume I

Is Eye - I
The Court of Pain
Is Darwin's Theory Propery Scientific?
And Just What is That Supposed to Mean?
Kierkegaard's Paradox of Faith
Philosophy as an Erotic Pursuit
A Double Sacrifice
Kant and the Categorical Imperative
Beginning Hegel's Sense-Certainty

Updated August 6, 2004