
Eden Robinson

Eden Robinson
Novelist, short story writer

BFA (1992)

Eden Robinson is a member of the Haisla and Heiltsuk First Nations whose first story collection, Traplines, was critically acclaimed, being named a New York Times Editor's Choice, and won England's Winifred Holtby Prize for the best regional work by a Commonwealth writer. One of the Traplines stories, "Queen of the North," was also published in The Penguin Anthology of Stories by Canadian Women.

Robinson won the 2016 Writers' Trust Engel/Findley Award for her body of work. Her novel Monkey Beach was shortlisted for the Giller Prize and the Governor General's Literary Award and won the Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize. Her latest novel, Son of a Trickster, has also been shortlisted for the Giller.

Subsequent education: MFA (UBC)